14 August 2006

WARNING! Religious Post!

I'm looking for help. Yeah, I know, anonymous blog with few, diverse readers. But, I've got to get this out there and hope to receive some guidance.

Our almost year old puppy is experiencing some illness. It isn't something that puts her down or keeps her in pain. I've asked the Goddess for guidance on dealing with this issue, how to keep it from happening. Is there a spell or meditation or ritual I can "do" to help puppy? I've found plenty on the net and in my books on Animal Shamanism, but not on helping animals.

That aside, I need insight on finding a way to get my significant other to understand this is not puppy's fault and she cannot be punished for being sick.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Peace to all.


Loralee Choate said...

Tell him that the next time he vommits, you will make him stand in the corner.

Seriously, I can understand being annoyed with animal ick, but to punish a sick thing for something beyond it's control is (As you know) wrong.

I can't help in the spell department, but I would really say that your animals are a sort of surrogate for kids that aren't there. Those doggies are your kids and to hurt them hurts YOU. Hopefully, that will sink in. I hope so. HUGS.

Ligeia said...

It is so good to have a Mama Bear watch over me :)

Pamela said...

I have three canine kids so I know what a true challenge it can be! I also know that I can't imagine my life without them. I do hope this all improves for you soon.

Ligeia said...

Puppy is somewhat better. I have asked for healing and the knowledge of what to do for her.
Thank you.