29 August 2006

So, I'm Snow White

Well, if I were one of the Dwarves, I'd be singing "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go". Not having a job, I'm not singing the song!

This post covers #12 and #13 of what Ligeia did do.

I have applied for every job that I'm qualified and/or able to do within a 35 mile radius of my Home. I scoured the Internet job sites, local employment office, and local "news" paper each day. Living in a smaller town, there aren't many jobs available to the general public. So, I sent out only 12 resumes in a 2 week period. I've had 3 rejection letters (one company sent me a letter stating they "appreciated my interest" but had picked a "candidate with more relevant experience" - they re-posted the job in the paper the next day!).

I had one interview last week. It is for a job I am (over) qualified for and will have no problems performing. The woman who interviewed me was very matter-of-fact during the interview. She was also quite curt with me - not rude, just, cold. At the end of the interview, she left me with the impression that I wouldn't be getting a call back. Well, I did get a call for a second interview, via phone. I'm not sure I want this job. But, I've been told, I can't be picky.

Sure, not much work in our podunk town and this has been my only interview. I'm just not very good at working in a place where I'm not using my skills, have little responsibility, and people who don't respect someone with personality*.

Yes, yes, I know - buck up!


Loralee Choate said...

I wasn't going to tell you to buck up. I was going to get another spoon and let you share my carton of frosting with me today.


Ligeia said...

Ha! Perhaps we can open another today? You are too good to me! I'll explain why in today's first post.