13 August 2006

If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning

The title/subject of this post has nothing to do with the content. Or, does it?

My friend, Princess, has decided to re-join the blog community. I'm happy about this as I love to read her posts. She has so much enthusiasm and passion in her writing it burns the screen. I'm also happy about this as it will give her an outlet for her drama-life. She's not a drama-queen, by any means; her life just seems to be filled with drama right now. I wish her luck and happiness.

Another friend I had to take to the ER on Friday. This was scary. Bridgette is normally so very talkative, which is one of her adoring qualities. Friday, she barely spoke, and scared the sh*t out of me. The ER doctor got her stabilized with some diabetes meds and fluids. I took her home and, as of Saturday afternoon, she was still doing well. I will call her Monday to remind her that she is going to eat better and drink more non-caffiene beverages. Or else the wrath of ME will be felt upon her!

Sunday's are one of the two days of the week I get to talk to my daughter. She decided that, to make things "easier" for me, she would call me on Sundays and I would call her on the other scheduled day. If she doesn't call me on Sunday it is either because (a) she is restricted to her room or (b) she is not home. I don't know if her father knows what days of the week we have scheduled to talk, but I know her father's wife knows the days. Today, I did not receive a phone call. We have "make up" days. Monday is the make up day for Sunday. I'll be calling her. Yes, she should be living with me.

I'm still looking for someone to hire me. If something doesn't happen soon, I'll have to put even more stuff on ebay or have one of those dreaded garage sales *shiver*

In the meantime, I've decided to dust off my Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft. I need to do some heavy reading about my Path. I'll re-read the intro chapters and delve a little deeper into some aspects of spellwork and, perhaps, some divination. Energy; more Energy.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Post a comment, if you like.

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