28 September 2006

Shooting the Messenger

So, I got this temporary job, doing something I used to do/am good at doing/get paid well for doing it. (I apologize for the bad grammar)

All was going well, until this morning. Try to follow along, I need all the sympathy I can get. Oh, and, btw, I don't understand all the fine details of exactly what I'm doing - I've given only bits and pieces at a time.

I work primarily with 2 people - B & R - and an outside contact - Q. Yesterday, only B was in the office. B was working on a project R had started. B was unsure about a certain procedure, so, B contacted Q. Q informed her that what R had done was not the way to do it and we needed to do it differently. B gave me this information and B and I proceeded. B then had another question and asked it of Q. Q told her, yes, B and I were to undo something done by R. As yesterday progressed, B began to doubt whether or not we should undo what R did.

Lost yet?

So, today, B is not in the office but R is. I explained to R what B had explained to me yesterday. R contacted Q for verification and Q said, yes, this is what needs to be done. So, R & I continued to do such.

B eventually called R to find out if R understood all the notes. R said yes B did but was confused about the last bit (undoing what R had done). B said, no, that was not what B understood. Can you guess the ending? Yup, R is mad - no PISSED - at me for giving her the wrong information.

Now, as I see it, I gave R information given to me by B given to her by Q. And, if Q is the one who has the final say on what we are doing, and R spoke with him, then, how am I the one in the wrong?

As much as I want this job to turn into something permanent, I'm so disappointed that yet another person (work related) has decided to blame me for giving incorrect information - even though it is the information I was given!

Thank you for listening. Sympathy may be sent in the form of words or money.

Update: R did calm down. R said they asked one question and got an answer for another. No apology, but no pins on my chair, either. Thank you, L!


Loralee Choate said...

R has her knickers in a big ole wad.

Q is always right...doesn't R watch James Bond????


Anonymous said...

Sorry if I had money I would send it to myself, so I hope words will be ok..Sounds like r b and q are all stupid..looking for another job sounds good to me.

Ligeia said...

L, Yes R does need some tweezers right about now!

Autumn, thank you. Actually, it got a bit better the next day. As this is only thru the end of October, I'm just going to play dumb. R is stubborn, A is dramatic and Q is a man!

Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

Oh, I hate it when stuff like this happens.

..."and Q is a man!" Hee hee.