07 September 2006

My Apologies & #9

The title says it all.

After returning home from a not-so-fabulous temp job (I get to go again today & tomorrow), my migraine took full control of my head. Last night I was down AND out.

Some medication, chicken soup and sleep later, I'm here to post the promised post. I just hope my readers are not disappointed.

This post will address #9 of what Ligeia Did Do - she watched movies. This was important to Ligeia. Why? Well, the full story is long, involved, and does not belong here. For now, let's leave it at this: Due to twists and turns in Ligeia's life, she has been denied the pleasure of going to or renting movies.

I love movies. Not for the escapism (although, some are pure escape) but for the realtionships and interactions - how they form, how they change, how people change because of each other and circumstances. I don't think I really appreciated movies for such until I saw "The Grapes of Wrath." I'm sure I read the book long ago, but don't remember doing so. I watched the movie under protest - my Mom said it was what I was going to do one Saturday afternoon. Watching Henry Fonda change through the movie was sad and added to my already teenage angst. But that was it - I felt something (besides "oh joyous, happy ending").

After this, I re-watched my 2 favorite movies (which I cannot reveal here) again, but this time, paid attention to the people and relationships. I also got hooked on B&W films. Thinking about it, did GofW get me hooked, or was it the fact that I was no longer sleeping at night and I had a B&W TV in my room...whichever it was, I saw movies in a completely different way.

Back to point. I will tell you what I watched (within 2 weeks):

  • What's Eating Gilbert Grape
  • Lord of the Rings - 1, 2, 3
  • X-Men - 1,2 (is 3 out yet?)
  • Unbreakable
  • Brother's Grimm (eh)
  • 6th Sense (again)
  • Constantine (again)
OK, so, no great American or French Films, no classic Sci-Fi, but GREAT relationship films.

Life is all about relationships - it is not something we can escape - even hermits have relationships (not having classified as having) - we need to learn to relate to one another without the fear of retribution - of course, we do not have the right to purposefully harm anyone or be rude or unkind - we have a responsibility to one another.

p.s. I apologize to anyone that now has the 'song' "Number 9" from the Beatles White Album stuck in their heads.

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