25 September 2006

For Peabody

Mr. Peabody is someone I look up to It isn't with envy or "school-girl" eyes, it is with respect and intrigue. I cannot allow his questions to go unanswered.

1. Previous experiences : I know that I'm the type of person to allow others to dictate what I do with my life. In my relationships with men, I have always put myself second and, as all but 2 have done, I was third in their life. It also seems that family matters and "have tos" take precedence.

2. In charge : I suppose I am in charge, even if I do not like what is happening. I can make my own decisions and my own changes. I just have to decide what price I wish to pay.

3. Blogging : It is a point of contention with 2 particular people in my life. They do not ask me not to blog, just ask why I do it so much. I also find that when I blog, I put myself "out there"; I get emotionally tied up and it bothers people. If I am going to continue to blog, I will have to keep my emotional self at bay.

I am an emotional person. It isn't drama - I don't contrive situations and I do not share things just to get sympathy. I am better now than I ever was - as far as keeping myself intact and controlled. Unfortunately, this is not who I truly am. I've got so many facets to myself, perhaps I should just pick another when I blog.


Mark said...

Sherman, being emotional is OK. Most of us are. In fact, anyone without emotion is dead or nearly so.

We're all many faceted. That's why we are so interesting.

Cool, huh?


Ligeia said...

Peabody, Odd how we are all alike and all so different.
You are one of the cooler people I know!

Loralee Choate said...

Interesting. I would say that I am both emotion and drama. Curses!

I also is ok to put things out there to get sympathy from time to time...sympathy is comfort, a feeling of being understood.

I also think "Peabody" rocks the house.