04 September 2006

Back to the list

Thought I'd get back to the list. In this post, I'll cover #14 and #15 of what Ligeia did do.

Organization started with figuring out what I need to get rid of. They are both works in progress. I did make over $100 on eBay; apparently not much by "real" eBay users but, hey, I now have stuff I no longer want, made some people happy, and have less mess to organize.

I sold mostly music. Music that, although I like it, I just don't have a need for it anymore. I used to live and breath a particular rock group (stating it would give me away). But, I don't need to own collector's CDs (never opened) or interview discs (listened to once). I also got rid of CD collector sets given to me by people no longer in my life and just having them around was painful. Not that I miss those people - I still have the album my high-school sweetheart gave me, will NEVER part with that - but seeing these items and remember the lies that went with them, well, can't deal with that.

I re-organized my kitchen drawers and got rid of things I just haven't used in like forever. And, I really don't think we need 33 (yes, 33) corn holders. Doing the re-org I found lost serving utensils and re-found my favorite placemats. Guess what color they are?

My working area got a good org-ing, as did my daughter's room (easier when she isn't here) and my bedroom. I still have the 4+ rooms in the lower-level to take care of; that will happen over the next few weeks.

The best part of it all was finding the treasures I had forgotten about or thought I lost. I was thrilled to go through my books as I found the first book my father ever gave me. Repairing that relationship has been the second most difficult thing I've ever done; finding the book helped me remember that, even though he was/is a complete f-ing bastard who deserves to pay for his transgressions, he actually cared about me at some point in my life.

Which makes me realize something interesting:

  • I can't keep CDs that lying non-related male bastards gave me
  • I can keep books, pictures, etc. that a related male bastard gave me
Anyone like to comment?

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