03 September 2006

Hit & Run


Apparently, I've pissed off someone who I thought I had built a friendship with (no, it is not you Loralee :) I have made an apology but apparently it wasn't enough...apparently

I got bad sleep last night - bed at 1030, last clock look at 1130, paranoid all night that my Girl puppy would leave a puddle somewhere (this creates temper on the part of my husband), awake at 1:10 as Boy dog was up and moving; finally got out of bed at 2:30 to find Boy left presents; back to bed, last look at clock 4:45; husband wakes me up at 6:30 wanting to know if I'm getting out of bed soon.

What?! It is SUNDAY dammit! I don't get out of bed before 8 on Sunday - if I've had good sleep - unless it is really that damn important.

So, 7:30, out of bed, found more presents from the Boy (yes, I'm doing nothing so I'm in charge of cleaning), met with eggs and sausage from husband, thank you, made coffee, then the comment, "Do you have a hangover?" "No, I've got 3-1/2 hours of sleep."

Not to worry, husband still has all body parts in the places the Goddess put them. It was a close one. I'm just too freakin' tired to fight.

Oh, goody...off to spend time with husband's mother. I think I'll just walk slowly into the lake...


Mark said...

Sounds miserable.

It also is very funny, though I'm almost afraid to mention that.

Anonymous said...

the puppies will get house broken..but men..hmmmmm well, don't give up hope..Maybe the wizard will give him a brain someday lol...(jk)

Ligeia said...

Peabody, Miserable, yes. Funny, I'm sure it will be tomorrow. And, because you are you, you need not fear.

Autum, well they were both housebroken last week! Men, never!

Loralee Choate said...

I love that you knew I would be worried it was me!

That sucks. I feel tired for you.