Remember this post?
I did my very best not to count chickens before their hatching. I was just trusting that cooler heads would prevail.
They have, but, not.
So, how to relay this without giving too many details? I'll give it a go.
To make the transition of Child's arrival and entry into education easy, I made some phone calls and got my ducks in a row. Legal council stated yes, this was all good and, yes, we should do this as easy and simple as possible.
The other party's spouse would not have it that way.
I made a simple phone call to a person who thinks in black and white and was met with negativity. Adding to that were the rantings and berating by the spouse. Not only does this person not trust me, but they are convinced that I always lie. I would love to contact this person and state that I have proof the Earth is round, we are stuck here by Gravity, and the Sky is (generally) blue. But, of course, I'd be lying.
Today - with brain dripping out of my ears and eyes, due to migraine evil - I spoke with 2 of the 3 independent parties involved. Both agreed that what I did was correct and necessary; that what ex and their spouse did was definitely not smart - as a matter of fact (to quote) "not called for and not in the best interest of..." the Child. Relayed all the conversations to legal council. Legal council agreed and, even though not an independent party, agreed the situation was beyond cuckoo.
So, where does that leave us?
- With independent people still in agreement - Child is better here, with Us than there, with those turkeys.
- With legal council at the ready to do necessary paperwork.
- The other side scratching their heads because, after all, who could not like the ex's spouse - the person is so forgiving, and loving, and trusting.
- Child still caught in the middle of all this chicken scratch.
Thanks for reading!
OH, son of a #($*)#&U*(&@*#&&#$(#&U$(U#*UW(EUR(*U#$U&(*#
I'm upset.
Not to worry; I have put the Celebrity Loralee's mind at ease.
*hands her Diet Coke*
I'm sending you positive energy and best wishes for this, and I hope you had a pleasant Beltane.
In Love And Light,
Willow Myrina.
So sorry for your ongoing struggles :-/
On a lighter note, I really like your template!
Willow & Seredne, Thank you for your thoughts.
I think the template fits "me" better :)
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