05 January 2007

If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror, because I bet that's what really throws you into a panic.

It is rare that I post photos. So, for those of you reading this post on this blog, you are experiencing an extraordinary event...times 2 (I could not choose just one photo to post).

These were taken the night of our belated Yule celebration. Daughter requested the fire. She has always said she is "oddly drawn" to fire. "Oddly drawn"... It could mean this

but I believe she means that, although she is a Water sign, she feels a connection with Fire. Perhaps it is the dichotomy of life - although Water puts out Fire, they are both strong in their own right. If there are any Pagans still reading my blog, I'd like your take on it. And, if you aren't Pagan, I'd still like your opinions.



Mark said...

Water puts out fire, but if you put a buffer between them, fire turns water into gas. The difference is in the buffer, and in duration. Given enough time, the fire transforms the water

Ligeia said...

You have lightened my heart and made me smile.

Loralee Choate said...

That is so well said, Mark. I don't know that I have any words of wisdom about water vs. fire (I am actually not sure what sign a Scorpio is, exactly) but I am all for fire. I have never understood some of my friends who hate fire because of the smoke. I could watch it for hours and hours. Yours looks especially impressive.

Anonymous said...

Fire and Water. Equal and Opposite. Opposite things are always compelling to me, partly because so much is familiar in the opposite thing, just completely reversed. Fire is also just so wonderful at this time of year. Warming, friendly and probably familier to your daughter. Just out of interest - are you a fire sign?

Ligeia said...

L, Mark always seems to know the right (write) thing to say. Scorpio is a Water sign. And, ty :)
Doc, Interesting thought about opposites; I'll have to ponder that one. I am an Air sign - what else! And what are you?

Anonymous said...

I didn't have a chance to comment when you first posted this, but your "oddly drawn" is freakin' hilarious!