30 January 2007

The first Awakening is the awakening to the possibilities of the new year.

from WitchVox

Imbolc, or Candelmas, arrives on February 2nd. Yes, Groundhog Day. Although not an "official" Christian holiday, G.D. is based on the Pagan ritual/meaning of Candelmas.

Thinking about all that has been happening in my life these last 2 months, I realize that this is just a "lead in" to my planning for growth and awakening (light) of the new year. This is the time of young thoughts and idea(l)s to be put to serious thought - where shall I let this year take me?

When I began thinking about my Candelmas celebration, I thought I'd start with the Internet for information retrieval, instead of my books. I love my books - I want more! - but I wanted a fresh look at things. Reading articles on the Net also set off a light in my brain - something I don't seem to get all the time from books. Perhaps it is because books seem so stagnant...anyway...

If this is the start of a beginning, then, my goal for this "year" is to figure out how to deal with the December and January (
Gregorian). Realizing those months are the deepest time of "death" of the God (although I do believe my Patron God never dies, he just sleeps more), and the time of long nights, perhaps this battles on my psyche - conscious, subconscious, and spiritual.

I need goals. And now is the time to set them.


p.s. If anyone is interested, I will post what I decide to do for Candelmas aka Imbolc aka Groundhog Day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am interested in what your going to do. I need some ideas, I haven't sat down and thought of any yet, nor do I have my altar ready..Im BAD
I'm off work tomorrow so I will probably work on semthing then