27 January 2007

Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite

A few posts ago, I wrote - actually copied some quotes - about decisions and decision making. Many things I have decided:

  1. I will be deleting posts which I think are inappropriate for this blog.
  2. I will more than likely not delete such posts if comments have been left with/for them.
  3. I am going to write more about my Spiritualness.
  4. If I do write about my family, my Depression, or the twists in my life, I will do so with more of a congenial tone.
  5. #4 means there are things I will not put on this blog but, rather, in a private journal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silence Crickets of no-comment-ness!

I understand your points. I mean, I get that, as a blogger, at somepoint, you change how much you are willing to share. Your comfort level varies so I totally understand 1,4 and 5. As for 2, your own comfort over comments always. I'd be fasciated by anything you might share for 3. Quite fascinated indeed!

I'm taking a wee break from blog writing at the moment following a nasty commenter who seemed intent on inspiring debate, on blog, about the demise in quality of my posts. There were quite a few more personal posts lately so I'm unsure of where to take things now. I guess I too need to make some decisions.

Anyway, whatever you're comfortable with.

Best wishes.