18 January 2007

As if there weren't enough $h1T flowing in my life

I may abandon blogging.

My husband has "informed" me that, unless I get a full-time job paying at least $10/hour we will either

(a) Move his mother into our house; or
(b) Declare bankruptcy

I love my husband.
But, there are times like this when I am fed up with the Chicken Little routine.
Oh, not to mention, having my life run and decided by someone else.

So, I may not abandon blogging.
I may just re-evaluate this blog and blog about the fucking-suck of my life in a completely anonymous way. That way, those who I value will not have to feel bad about not reading and commenting on how fucked things are.

I thought New Moons were suppose to be helpful...


Anonymous said...

Don't stop blogging! I don't comment much but I'm always reading.

I got the "we're going to have to declare bankruptcy or move in with your parents" once. I don't think I've ever been angrier. He's very sorry he ever said that.

I hope that things get better soon.

Mark said...

No one else can run your life unless you decide to allow it. Blogging is your decision. How you respond to ultimatums is too.

I wish you well.

By the way, whatever did the January 15 entry mean?

Ligeia said...

Wise words. You are correct. That is part of the decision making process.
You are kind.
BTW, I will respond via email.

Loralee Choate said...

Personally, I would take bankruptcy over his mother, but that is just me. It really isn't that bad, actually. Especially if you own your own home.

I agree with Mark...very wise.

(I'm going to try to get your packageII Put together and mailed tomorrow, sweetie.)