06 February 2007

Non-Spiritual Post

I have something horrible, heart-wrenching, and just sickening happening in my life right now.
I have feelings I cannot get out - in verbal or written word.
My heart is so broken and my gut so twisted, I have difficulty doing the simplest things.

Does anyone know how to get out - in words - feelings that just won't cooperate?


Patty said...

Write it. Even if you don't share it write it. Getting all the feelings out on paper is a good way to cleanse yourself of some of the hurt. Write it all down even if it only makes sense to you. Pour out the hurt, and the anger, and the fear of everything that is going on right now. Your going to probably be crying while you do this. That is ok, it's good, let the feelings out. Release them. It's not good to keep everything bottled up inside. Once you feel like you have pour everything you can into the writting. Print it if you have typed it. or take the paper if you did it by hand and place it in a fire proof container. Then while saying these words light it on fire
I relase the hurt'
I relase the anger
I relase the pain
I will not let it get me down.
I am strong and I will be ok.

Once the paper has burned completly out dispose of it. (flushing down a toliet is good)

Now go wash your face and if you need to talk send me an email I am here for you


DrOtter said...

Free association writing - just write words, phrases, sentences, what ever comes from your pen is fine. Don't think too hard, just let the pen walk over the paper and see what appears. Draw, doodle, anything. Don't even think about sharing all of it, people can have a condensed version later if they must.
I love autumns suggestion of what to do with the products.
You are strong, you will be OK even if it doesn't feel like it right now, you can get through this.
When things happen to me I take some comfort in the notion that time will pass regardless of the events in my life, the sun will still rise and the seasons cycle whether I am participating in 'normal' life or not. This will pass in its own time, be strong.

I hope you find some peace of mind/soul soon.

Mama Kelly said...

{{{{ }}}}

I hope everything gets better soon!!


Mama Kelly