21 February 2007

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

Dr. Seuss, what a guy.

There are some great posts about the Unique Family show from TLC on Autumn's, Sojourner's, and (a new place for me) Graceful. You should check them out :)
I did not see the show, so, I cannot comment. I know when the re-run appears, I'll be taping it!

I have been reading, "What Jesus Meant". Now, before you get your Pentagrams in a twist, I am not - repeat NOT - converting. I decided that with the time I have for reading, my curiosity, and my fed-up-ness with the "holier-than-thou" crowd, I'd read up on something I thought to be true.

When I first read the Bible, I was young and had no clue what most of it meant. The next time I read it - after a tragedy in my life - I had joined a born-again Christian 'club'. The minute I started asking questions, I was labeled as still having the Devil within me. eh. About 6 years later, I read it again; this time to figure out just what religion or belief system I might fit into. At that time, I began to realize that there were a lot - A LOT - of preachings and demands from "Christians" that were not supported by the teachings of Jesus. Of course, there were no good sources at that time (way before Mr. Gore invented the Internet) to help prove my point.

Then, while listening to NPR, I heard Garry Wills talking about his book. This man considers himself Catholic - although I'm sure the Pope would like to revoke his Union card - and a follower of Jesus. Yes, he has his own take on the writings of others about Jesus; but, I think he is truer to form than most. Mr. Wills has a good understanding of Greek and Aramaic, especially the "older" versions. This puts many of the writings about Jesus into better perspective.

As I said, I am not converting - NOT. I am, tho, thinking differently about the "real" Jesus and how - I hate to say this - I've been right about the Swaggart's, Falwell's, and Baker's of this lifetime.

And, interestingly enough, a lot of what people wrote about Jesus' beliefs and teachings are similar to Wicca/Pagan beliefs and teachings. Hmmmmmm

So, over the next few posts - and maybe intermittently after - I'll be writing about what I found in his book.

Oh, and, next month, while I'm away for a bit, I'll be reading "Misquoting Jesus" and re-opening Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft.



Patty said...

I dont have time to read much more than the blogs ha ha, but the book sounds interesting. I will be interested in hearing more of your thoughts on the book

Loralee Choate said...

I have no interest in converting anyone to anything (Except maybe Diet Coke. Somehow I suspect that you MIGHT prefer me bible thumping to that, though! WINK)

I think that reading up on all kinds of beliefs and faiths is cool and just fine.

Ligeia said...

Autumn, I will be happy to share what I read. I envy you - I wish I had more time to read blogs :)

L, You are correct - you could never convert me to Diet Coke. And, thank you, oh great one, for your permission :)

peppylady (Dora) said...

People need to choice their own beliefs in spirit.
I personal like what I call earthy spirit (relgion) we all need show love and to me so call Christians and Muslims show hate and bigotry towards others.
I know their is good in all.

Ligeia said...

Peppy, I agree that we all have the freedom and right to choose our religion. I must admit, I have met a few bigotted and hateful so-called Pagans. They just seem to be more prevalent in Christianity.