01 February 2007

A new place to visit

Note: The "p" on my keyboard is acting up.

I found a new blog to visit A Blog of Two Witches . I don't know what they will think of me, but I plan to add them to my every-other-day blog visits.

Here is something fun I found on their blog. It reminds me I must find quiet time - without interruption - to dig more through my Past Life book. You can get to the diagnosis by clicking HERE.

Your past life diagnosis:

I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Scotland around the year 950. Your profession was that of a banker, usurer, moneylender or judge.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
As a natural talent in psychology, you knew how to use your opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
The timid, lonely and self-confident people are everywhere, and your task is to overcome these tendencies in yourself and then to help other people.
Do you remember now?


Patty said...

I've been visiting there blog for a long time, I am sure you will enjoy it. They are to great ladies and I know they will be happy to have you as a regular

Mama Kelly said...

Awwww thank you autumn!!!

Anyway thank you so much for the link and the readership.

You have been added to our Pagan Blogroll!!


Mama Kelly
A Blog of 2 Witches

peppylady (Dora) said...

I recently did past life diagnosis. If you wish you can go over and read mine.