09 October 2006

I Aim to Please

Even though I am a terrible house-keeper and spend all my S.O's money*, I will not deny my reader's their requests!

So, for Autumn, here is what I have so far for Samhain:

  • I have a recipe for Acorn Squash and Apples
  • Another for Pumpkin Fudge
  • I'm in search for a main dish recipe
  • My S.O. will not participate in a Dumb Supper :(
  • I have an outline for ritual
  • I bought a pumpkin :)
  • I've got my shopping list of candles and herbs
  • I'm debating on whether or not to make an altar cloth
Ain't much, but, it's a start!

*According to my MIL, she can take better care of my S.O. than I can; implying I am selfish and lazy. Off to find my bon-bons!


Anonymous said...

So farI have bought a pumpkin, but have not done any other decorating for Samhain or for fall yet. I do however already own a beautiful altar cloth which I will try and get a photo of on my blog soon. I also have a recipe for Samhain powder, and will post that. We have done a dumb supper in the past, but not sure yet if we will do one this year.

Loralee Choate said...

Your MIL is unbalanced and needs to shut her pie hole.

That said, I am interested in what part each of these items play in Samhain?

Ligeia said...

Autumn, Can't wait to see your cloth! And the powder recipe will be greatly appreciated.

Loralee, Yes, she is; just a pain in my ...I'll post in a couple of days what each part plays.