17 October 2006


For Loralee...

Loralee asked "I am interested in what part each of these items play in Samhain?" I am thrilled to share my information! Here are some answsers (most of which I collected from About.com in the Religions link):

*First off, as with all Pagan/Wiccan holidays/Sabbats, this is a celebration. My celebration is geared toward life and abundance and looking forward to a new beginning (new year) and leaving the hurts of the past behind (banishing).

*Although part of the celebration has to do with the old God dying this day, and the Goddess mourns him until his rebirth at Yule. We use this day to honour and remember our loved ones who have passed on.

*The word "Samhain" more likely came from "samhuinn", which is the Gaelic word for "summer's end". And, is pronounced with in the Gaelic tongue - SOW-een.

*Pumpkins and gourds represent 2 things - one is the fruits from the last harvest. The other has to do with carving. As we believe the spirits of those have passed can easily "float" between us (living) and their state of being, we don't want the "bad" ones to come back for us. So, we carve pumpkins (or other gourds) to ward them off. My belief is a bit different than that. I do believe that those spirits who have passed can contact us again, I also believe that the spirit will be re-born (reincarnated) at some point. This means that, as much as I miss my Grandfather's spirit, if I can't "reach" him, he may have moved on to another human. Complicated, I know.

*The candles and herbs part has to do with ritual more than anything else. Although, if I can, I burn candles for as much of the day as possible. Black candles are for grounding, meditation, banishing, and protection. Orange candles represent prosperity, abundance, justice, and luck. I use sage in my ritual for protection and prosperity (usually in the form of a smudge bundle). And mugwort to increase psychic abilities and protection.

*As with most other people, I enjoy making a "fuss" over a colorful and fun holiday. The altar cloth is not necessary, but adds to the color and festiveness of the day. For some people, (US) Thanksgiving is THE Autumn holiday. For me, it is Hallowe'en.

Photos and more information upon request.

Hope that answers some of Loralee's - and other's - questions.


Loralee Choate said...

That is really interesting. I call for photos!!!

I'm also glad that you put in a pronunciation guide because I had no idea how to say it.

Anonymous said...

Very informative post..Thanks!

Anonymous said...

To me you explain Halloween/Samhain real well. I've been looking into my interior self lately and I need to change some of my interior self mode. I thought samhain would be a good time. It get rid of the past and look toward the future..I'm I right?