19 October 2006

Disgust and Frustration

I haven't written about this subject in a while. But something happened today that I need to get off my chest, so to speak.

For those of you who do not know the story of why my youngest daughter lives with her father, I apologize. I don't elaborate on it much to "strangers" as some of those "strangers" might actually be possible friends. Giving too much at once scares people.

Anyway, it is that time of the year when I make plans for my daughter to come for her New Year's Visit. I call it this because it is after Yule and Christmas that she arrives. She is only here for 7 days - 2 of those being travel days.

Last year, my daughter's father's wife pissed and moaned that if daughter was not there for daughter's sibling's birthday, daughter would be "traumatized". Bull-freaking-$h!t. I asked daughter what she wanted. She said she would be upset if she missed sibling's birthday. Now, because of the way the dates fell and because I didn't want anymore venom spewed on me, I agreed.

This summer, I asked daughter why she wanted to be there for sibling's birthday. She said she didn't - it was just more convenient for father's wife if she was. I left the room, and screamed bloody murder into my pillow. Then I told S.O. (I've got to get him a name :) and he took a long walk around the property - twice.

So, this year, with the way the dates fall, and, having the summer information, I informed (I thought) my ex. Well, the wife replied with something to the effect of, "You said last year we would do it this way forever because it will scar my daughter for life." OK, venom spewer - first, she isn't your daughter - second, I save every email and there was no forever in there.

I'm working on my reply. I have to be oh so careful - can't give them ammunition. I'm thinking of calling instead. And, yes, that would be poking wife with a stick. And, don't fear, I can document the phone call.

thank you for reading


Loralee Choate said...

I seriously want to vommit.

Yah, because missing a damn birthday party is more scarring than not being with her mother.

Preaching to the choir, I know!!!!

Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

This woman is totally unreasonable and selfish. Sorry you're having to deal with this, and I wish I had some helpful advice.

Ligeia said...

Loralee & Hussy, Thank you. I still haven't found the "right" way to reply. Although, "wrong" ways to reply filled my head for most of the night...