31 January 2008

Almost Ready

Thank you to those who have posted comments and sent me private messages asking about my newest site. It is almost ready!

My biggest problem is not content but the naming of the blog! All the names I've come up with are good ones, but these names could lead the "wrong" people to THIS anon blog! That would be a disaster! I'm working on it....

My second biggest problem is the back ground. I don't want to be stuck with what Blogger has to offer. But, since they "revamped" things, I cannot get a background picture to show up - correctly or at all! So, if anyone has a suggestion or helpful hints on how to add a background, please, please let me know!

Have a glorious day!

Oh, don't forget to get ready for Imbolc!



Patty said...

Are you using beta blogger? If so go to http://www.pyzam.com/bloggertemplates. Just edit your layout in the html section (delte and paste the one from this site). There are hundreds of layouts to choose from. Be sure and send me an invite to the new blog when you get it ready

Ligeia said...

This is why I love blogs...I get to make great blog friends who teach me all sorts of new things!!!! Thank you, Autumn!