07 December 2006

Daughter Update

Note: I love comments! I'm almost as bad as another blogger who considers herself a "comment whore". I wouldn't go that far about myself; but one of the reasons I started this blog was to get outside opinions - to think about my situations from different perspectives.

I miss my Daughter. I will see her in 19 days. It isn't soon enough.

Her latest 'problem' is school. And, yes, if she were living with me, the issue would have been handled expediently.

She is pulling up her grades in school. She was sinking, which most middle-schoolers do. I can only throw a life-line so far - I cannot go into her school to talk to her teachers and I'm not there when she gets home to work with her on school-work. The 'people' that are there to do that decided not to - let her sink, she'll figure out how to swim. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! Well, 'they' finally became "concerned" about Daughter's grades (a 'D' in Math) and, since her father has shown some interest in whether or not she got her work handed in and if she needs help, her grades have improved (now a 'C' in Math). Kee-riste! Oh, let's not forget - this is my fault.

Why? Well, she has my genes; she is a girl, the type of girl I was at her age. Her logic/reasoning for doing/not doing makes perfect sense to me. Very scary but, helpful. When she explains to me why she was sent to the principal's office and how unfair it is, I understand. I also know how to explain to her - in a logic she will understand - why, no matter how unfair it is, she needs to follow rules/directions, etc. This was something that her father and his wife could not figure out how to do. They were at a complete loss - they didn't act like this in school. They may have gotten in trouble, but never acted the way she does. They didn't raise her to be this way.

Yep, that last one got me boiling.

They didn't raise her. That's another post.

Back to school...

Now that Daughter is pulling up her grades and the 'people' she lives with are taking responsibility as 'parents', she is doing better. She asked me (ME) to help her while she is here - she needs ideas on better ways to study and her spelling.

Did I mention: she asked ME.

I love my reason for living.


Anonymous said...

It sounds very complicated - I'm glad you're going to get the chance to help your daughter. And it sounds like you understand what she's going through which is an incredibly important thing for a kid to have. It must be hard missing her though.
I love the fact that she has your genes and therefor is acting in a way you understand - really says something for nature over nurture.

Ligeia said...

Doc, Thank you. My Daughter lived with me until she was 6. Her father was rarely home during those years. She is now and always will be my Daughter, no matter what 'other people' may want.

Loralee Choate said...

Heh. Comment Whore. Now who could THAT be, I wonder???


Loralee Choate said...

Drat, I posted too soon.

This makes me boil because they don't get her at ALL.

P.S. Sounds like a very good reason to live (And love!)