12 February 2008

Of Illness & Cleaning

I've been taking even more steps toward de-cluttering my home and my life. It is working out pretty well. It is difficult, though, to just let some things "go"; but, gosh, I just can't figure out how to clone myself! I will have to write a post dedicated to what I have been doing - in more detail - and where I found some of my inspiration - one from Willow :)

My spouse - who is rarely ill - has been sick for a week. So sick, in fact, he did not go to work for 2 days! This is unheard of! Because of this, even less stuff got "done" around the home; and the phone rang more often with MIL checking on him 2 or 4 times a day. He is finally coming out of it, but, guess what? Yup - my turn! I'm not proud like him - I will take any manner of OTC or homeopathic remedies I can find to be (somewhat) human during waking hours.

I've already started my morning asking Goddess to give me strength and wellness during the day, and then, while I sleep, give me strength to heal. I've also asked her forgiveness for using the elixirs and 'candies' made by Dr. Vicks and Dr. Ricola. I think she is OK with it.



Patty said...

I am sure she will forgive you for using the un-natural meds ha ha.
Just to keep on her good side take a little lemon and honey..
Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your kind words.

They really mean a lot to me.

Stars Above,
~Celestial Rose~