20 June 2007

How's your faith these days, Father?


I got a sign this morning. I'm just not sure what it means.

I have chosen many Totems. My insecurities give me license to do this.

One of my selected Totems showed up in one of our trees this morning. This is unusual as our land is not accommodating to the creature. She could have been passing through, but, she stayed for quite a while. Seeing her made my heart lighten and my spirit lift.

Now, why was she here?

17 June 2007

Interesting Thought

I suppose I have to consider Paganism/Wicca as religion. However, considering the bad rap the word "religion" has in society, I prefer to think of it as a way of life.


This is what got me thinking:

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
- Steven Weinberg

I do believe that, even in the way of life I have chosen, there are those who will make a mess of things "in the name of" Paganism/Wicca. Yet another example of, as different as we (Pagans - Christians) are, we are the same.


16 June 2007

A Little Risque' Humour

Draw thy tool. My naked weapon is out.



08 June 2007

Past Lives

This is a request for help.

I've been thinking about Past Lives - if I had one (which, I believe I did) how do I figure out where and when I was? (sorry for the bad English)

I've tried Divination with Tarot, but, to no avail. I've asked for answers in Dreams; that didn't work. I have a book, but it is a 10-week study with everyday exercises - I'm committed, but, that's just way too much.

I'm not looking for a quick fix. I'm willing to spend the time and Energy. I need to find something that works.

Any guidance would be appreciated.


06 June 2007

Where I be

More classes for new job

Just got internet access.

Merlot has taken over my brain. Must sleep.


01 June 2007

More New Beginnings

Last night was surprisingly wonderful. After a full-day of no relief from migraine, I thought any type of Blue Moon celebration was out. But, Psyche and Horus would not hear of that!

Daughter - who will now be known as Freya - wanted to see my Tarot cards. Mind you, these have not seen the light of the Moon in many months. I performed a simple reading - unfortunately, I didn't explain very well what type of question she needed to be asking the Cards, and the answer I got was screwy, and so was her question! We tried again; this time, a longer read.

Not having any idea what she might be thinking, I used a basic Celtic spread. Each card in each position made total sense to her. A few times she gave me the, "Well, DUH!" answer, which was eerily funny. However, the best times were those when Freya gave me the saucer eyes of, "How the heck did They know that?!"

The gist of the reading was right on; Freya knows that what she wants to do and needs to do are nearly the same and just not that difficult.

With full egotism, I will state ... I still got it!
