23 February 2007

Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.

~John Archibald Wheeler

That quote has nothing to do with this post :)

I do promise you that my next post will discuss parts of the book "What Jesus Meant".

This post, though, is more of an update.

I start a low-paying part-time retail job today. I am not happy about this for a few reasons.

  1. I applied for a part-time retail job, but it was for a specific department at a higher pay rate.
  2. I intereviewed for a full-time retail job, entailing the entire store, at a higher pay rate.
  3. I was offered (and accepted) the low-paying, part-time, entire store job.
Why, you might ask, have I taken the job?

Well, in this part of our fair Country, there are few job opportunities. I've applied for many other types of jobs - all non-retail, full- and part-time, different pay rates - and have received rejection letters which included statements such as, "Your experience level is not as we require" or "We found a candidate that better fits our company".

The first one is pure bull$hit - I have many years of training in 3 different job classificaations. The second one makes no sense - how would you even know if I 'fit' with the company if you haven't even interviewed me?

I vow to the Goddess and anyone else listening - in my next life I WILL become a teacher the first time I attend college!


Loralee Choate said...

It just makes me so sad that you aren't teaching, especially with the shortage of teachers happening.

Ligeia said...

L, It is a sad state of affairs, lack of teachers and me not teaching. Thank you

Mark said...

Sherman, something is messed up with the world. You should be teaching.

Ligeia said...

Peabody, Thank you. I agree. And, I would rather be teaching - in ANY capacity - than asking someone if they need a new eraser.