28 February 2007

Women, Lots of Pretty Women

There isn't a specific passage or chapter in the book for today's post. Just a generality.

In the light of the Da Vinci Code, there has been a re-awakening of the part women play in Christianity. I will not discuss the possibility of Jesus and Mary (Magdalene) having a child/children - I do not have enough knowledge to give an intelligent point of view. However, there are many references to women in the life of Jesus that makes me wonder - was Jesus born a Jew but accepting of Pagan philosophy?

Geez, this is heavy stuff!

It is mentioned that Jesus was in the company of those considered "unclean". This included women. Male followers of Jesus found this to be horrid and not the work of a true savior. After all, wasn't 'He' here to give his teachings and ways to 'God' only to those worthy? How could women be worthy? Women being worthy was not a Jewish view, but a Pagan one.

Many women followed Jesus while he "spread the Word of God". They gave up their homes, families, ways of life, to follow this man. When Jesus (supposedly) rose from the Dead, he revealed himself first not to a man, but to a woman - a suspected whore. At Jesus' crucifixion, "There was a crowd of women followers at the cross, when all but one of the male company had fled or stood far off." How Pagan of them!

I believe Jesus understood the strength and power of women and of the Feminine. He understood that, without women, life could not continue. I'm speaking not just of procreation, food, and shelter, but also of progressive thinking, curiosity, the want of better for future generations.

Modern Christians - both male and female - miss this point. Yes, there are places in the Bible that state women should be subservient to men. However, Jesus did not teach this. 'He' taught that all are equal under 'God'. Again, here is a difference between true followers of Christianity and those who just want to control.

I believe in the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine. I believe that the Goddess and God are equal, just as people are equal. I pray equally to the Goddess and the God. There will be some Pagans/Wiccans who will disagree with me; that is fine. Isn't tolerance and acceptance part of our faith, as well?

p.s. I'm sure someone will use this story to "prove" the Devil is a woman :)


Patty said...

Let's keep both sides happy by saying
AMEN sister & Blessed Be
Great post

Mama Kelly said...

Ah yes I have often wondered about the attachment that many Christians have to the Old Testament when many of Christ's actions and teaching seem to contradict it.

Unfortunately, imo, the authors of the New Testament did not share in the forward thinking ways of Jesus himself and continued the belief that women were "less than"

The letters of Paul are a perfect example in which he makes statements such as:

"For a man...is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man" 1 Corinthians 11:7-9

"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife" Ephesians 5:22-24


Mama Kelly
A Blog of 2 Witches

Loralee Choate said...

I don't really feel comfortable putting it on a blog, but Mormonism actually has some very deep and positive beliefs about woman and the role they play in the eternities. It is one of the aspects of it that I liked.

Ligeia said...

Autumn, Thank you :)

Loralee, Mormons get a bad rap, I think. What most people don't get is that it is only a few that believe in polygamy. I still think the Osmonds make great "poster-boys" for the religion!

Mama Kelly, Thank you, too. I agree with you!