13 February 2007

I got taken in

I got taken in by a scam. It really is horrible. I'm fairly intelligent and still got taken in.

The worst part of the whole ordeal - the bank, the FBI, the RCMP (Canadian police), and the company being victimized know it is a scam and STILL they hold victims responsible for the monetary part.


Yep, I've been on the phone for nearly 24 hours. This is just fuc*ing great, and not what I need at the moment.

So, I'm about to spend another 12 hours on the phone - after some rest and food. Wish me luck


Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

Oh NO! That's awful. Hope it all gets sorted out...

By the way, have been meaning to email. Hope you're doing ok.

Ligeia said...

Dr., Thank you. I am working on it - many, many phone calls, the police...ick.

NP on the email. Write when you can.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I hope they catch the cons.
Did you fall for the thing about in Africa?
I get e-mails about selling my ceramics in Africa or long lost relative left me something over their.
I just delete the e-mails