18 February 2007

Change is Bad

The changes I want to make to my layout, template, content will

  1. Delete the cool blinky things in my side bar
  2. Delete my cool background
  3. Make my links go into some sort of Internet black hole
So, what to do? Well, haven't decided. Will keep you updated.

Oh, did manage to add a Meez to my side bar. Check it out.


peppylady (Dora) said...

I yet don't have my blog exactly what I want.
But slowly getting their.
When it come to computer I have to be honest I'm not the brightest one on a computer.

Patty said...

It took me forever to decide what to do with my blog. I finally joined blog lines so that elemenated my blog roll. Then I went to the new blogger so I can add catagories which I like. Now I am waitng for more people to make beta blogger layouts so I can change my background more often. I'm sure what ever you decide to do it will look great.

Loralee Choate said...

Ug. I know the feeling so well. Every time I do anything to my blog everything explodes.

Ligeia said...

Peppy, I think your blog looks great!

Autumn, bloglines, eh? I'll have to check that out; blogroll made me queasy!

Ligeia said...

Loralee, Yes, you are so special in that way :)