15 September 2006

Greetings & Such

Decided it was important to make time for my blog.

Today I will give you explanations for what Ligeia didn't do #1, 2, 6 and what Ligeia did do #2 - the news.

I suppose HNN and Fox News and CNN morning programs were re-formatted to compete with Today, Good Morning America and whatever it is CBS has. This is a shame. Even people who only watch news in the morning need real news - not just pop culture and cool graphics.

Our local fishwrapper is no better, neither are most of the online news options. Sure, I could subscribe to the Wall Street Journal or New York Times, but, why? My interest is not stocks or pithy comments. I'm also not interested who is dating who in Hollywood. I also want to know what happens with a story after today; there has to be some followup.

So, you may ask, what does Ligeia want to know. Well, she wants to know how plant shutdowns will affect the economy AND what our "leaders" are going to do about it. She wants to know all sides of the evolution/intelligent design battle and how we can come to an agreement. She wants to know about the steps to getting the troops back from "the war on terror" and for someone to explain what we are to do if we are attacked again, without our troops here. I also want to know how a ball of gas can be a planet but not Pluto.

To end on a happy note, my temp job is progressing and, if all goes well, may continue through the Fall. I spoke with my daughter the other day and she is happy and healthy.



Mark said...

Good to hear the positives about your daughter and your job. This is a more upbeat post than you've been able to provide lately. Glad to see it.


Ligeia said...

Peabody, I hadn't realized that my posts were such bummers lately. I'll be working on that!

Mark said...

By all means, keep working on that. But not too hard. We don't want bummers showing up because of working too hard at not writing bummers.
