19 September 2006

And a new day dawns

The subject/title has nothing to do with this post so don't be looking through my writing wondering, "Hey! Where is that new day?"

Fall has arrived. I wasn't ready for it, but seasons don't set their clocks by what we want, do they? I love the colors of fall and my favorite Sabbat (Samhain) occurs in this season. But, before I get there, I need to experience Mabon with all the other Pagan/Wiccan/Heathens. I don't write much about Sabbats or Esbbats here, but I'm going to make an exception now and more than likely when Samhain arrives.

I suppose this falls under #3 on the What Ligeia Did do list. Hopefully you will find it interesting and enjoyable.

Mabon is celebrated on the Fall Equinox which, this year, falls on September 23. Celebrations include wine, apples, gourds and the calling of Harvest Gods and Goddesses.

Mabon gets its name from the Welsh God Mabon, meaning "great son". Mabon was the son of Modred who was rescued by good ol' King Arthur.

Mabon could be considered the Pagan Thanksgiving as it is a time to give thanks for the end of the Harvest season (the end of time for plants, too) and for remembering those who have left us to go on to the Spirit World.

I plan to make some pumpkin pie, Harvest bread and enjoy a lovely bottle of Australian Zinfandel. Of course, I will take time before bed to thank Mabon, my God and my Goddess for the bounty given to me this year.

I wish you all a Joyous Mabon!

Please visit Jonathon Art

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful Mabon..We plan on spending it at our local Pagan Pride Day, which includes ritual.