28 August 2006

Mini-Post - Religious Rant

Another thing I should have put on my list / stated in my last post is that I'm going to be brutally honest and forthcoming when it comes to things that make me passionate - good or bad. Here is one now.

My husband and I received an email from his ex-sister-in-law. She considers herself a Born Again Christian*. I made it clear in an email to her - several months ago - that my husband is a Christian-Buddhist and I am Wiccan/Pagan. This only means that, should she send religious email, they may be summarily deleted or met with no response. She said she "respected" our beliefs but would continue to pray for us to "be saved". Yeah, well, OK, if you really need to, fine.

Most of her emails I just whip through, show them to husband, then delete them. The one we got over the weekend was one that really "stuck in my craw" (does anyone know where that expression came from? what is a craw anyway). I will preface this by saying that the subject is very tragic - a child she is somehow related to was diagnosed with in-operable brain cancer. The child died this past weekend. No matter what belief system you adhere to (or don't adhere to) children dying is just awful. OK, now off to the races.

So, here is the last line of the email:
But luckily they are a Christian family so we know *child* is in heaven with our Lord and someday we will see him again.

Guess what got me going? Yep the But luckily they are a Christian family.


Sorry if that was too loud.

Apparently, if you are not part of a Christian family, you are unlucky and will not go to heaven and no one will ever see you again. Yeah, I know, tolerance. I preach it and yes, believe it or not, I follow it. HOWEVER it really bites my bumm that so-called Christians do not practice what their Lord and Saviour preached - tolerace. Gee, same thing us Pagans (generally) believe in.

I suppose that means I'm unlucky and will spend my days with the Devil in Hell. Oh, wait, I don't believe in either of those so, I guess I won't be going!

*Note: The capitalization of Christian, Lord, etc. is done out of respect for other's beliefs. But, eh, what do I know - being so unlucky and all.


Mark said...

"Luckily" your husband's ex-sister-in-law is a Christian, and so can have the satisfaction of congratulating the family of the dead child on their Christianity.

The descriptor is "presumptuous."


By the way, Sherman, I've given up getting on to my blog, so I've started another at mchristensen.wordpress.com.

Ligeia said...

Mr. Peabody,

It took me all day to figure out what you meant about the descriptor. This is one of the things I love (with proper respect) about you...you make me think!