11 March 2007

My Broom is now in the Shop

After being gone for a bit, my Broom is going to need a tune-up

Seriously, I've returned. I'll be posting this week. Anything in particular anyone want me to share?



Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

I'd like to know how your errand went! But perhaps you don't want to post about it on the blog. (Which I would understand.) But I've resorted to reading a certain other blog looking for news, so maybe you could email me?

(I know, I'm way too nosy. But I care!)

Loralee Choate said...


How it went, how it went, oh, and how it went!
(This may be done privately, of course)


Ligeia said...

Hussy & L,
After all I've been going through these last few weeks, it warmed my heart and made my eyes teary that you two would be the first to let me know just how much you care.
I will email you both privately.
Love & Peace

Mark said...

I'm just back from blogging absence, so I'm really curious to find out how the trip went and how you are.