29 November 2006


Jonathon Art

I enjoy visiting this artist. The reasons are many, here are a few:

  • I'm reminded that the Goddess is in, through, and around us in many different forms.
  • His drawings and paintings are so "real" I could reach through my computer and touch the trees, animals, people.
  • I am calmed on those days that are so full of stress, I could burst.
There is new Daughter "stuff" occurring and I may post about it, just to get it out. My Daughter is the love of my life and my reason for living.


Loralee Choate said...

I think this is a perfect place to get stuff out about your daughter sweetie.

The art is beautiful and I am glad that it gives you some peace. You need all that you can get your hands on.

Mark said...

When you say "daughter stuff" you worry me. I hope it isn't bad enough to knock you off balance.