31 July 2006

It's Been Decided

Not by me, mind you...

I will not be returning to College this semester, or any semester in the near future.

I'm looking at it with this perspective: I was not meant to pursue this dream or be what I long to be. The Goddess has another plan for me. It is all an adventure.


Loralee Choate said...

Oh, hon. I am so sorry. I know how much you loved school and learning. I cannot think that you will have to stop forever, you are too good and it and love it too much. You have so much to give.

Keep your chin up *Said the hypocrite as hers drags on the ground!*

Ligeia said...

Thank you, again. If things keep up the same as they have been, I won't be returning. Eh, I've got enough books to read to keep me busy.